An unfair world and the Villain~Tuber.

Chapter 59 An unfair world and the Villain~Tuber.

***Cover image***

POV Third Person

Months ago.

Inside a classic apartment, Danjuro Tobita aka Gentle Criminal, takes a sip of tea and watches his loyal henchman intently. Surrounded by numerous screens and rapidly typing on a computer is Manami Aiba also known as La Brava.

"Do you think this is really a good idea, La Brava?" Gentle Criminal asks uncertainly. "The video of our last heist barely had a dozen views before the police removed it and our account on that video platform was permanently banned… Again." He snorts with a sad little smile, thinking about how few views his videos have been getting the past few weeks before taking another sip of tea.

"Those silly mainstream video platforms don't understand your art!" La Brava exclaims passionately. "But you don't have to worry, recently a new video platform has been causing a stir on the networks... And right now I'm finishing registering our new channel on it." She says with a determined smile, raising her right hand in the air before swinging it in the direction of her keyboard gracefully and epically pressing the click, thus finishing the registration of their new channel. "A new beginning awaits us."

*Channel created successfully!*

*Welcome to EmperorTube!*


POV Gentle Criminal

*Video uploaded successfully!*

"That certainly was fast." I mumble, eyeing this website with interest through the many screens around me before sitting down next to La Brava, who just posted my latest heist on this new video platform. "You have done well… My Lady." I thank her with a comforting and elegant smile.

Ever since she became my loyal sidekick in my criminal career, she has done everything possible to help me fulfill my dream. Even when our videos don't have the success that I expected, she stays by my side… And I appreciate that a lot.

"Gentle, you don't have to thank me...I'm the one who should be thanking you." She whispers, focusing her gaze on the computer in front of her with a slight blush on her cheeks. "You were the first person that..." is all she says before being interrupted by a pop-up notification on the computer.

*Your video has received a private comment from an administrator!*

"How strange... It's the first time someone commented on our video so quickly, let alone an administrator." La Brava murmurs nervously. "Maybe we broke some rule? No, that can't be possible, I made sure to read the rules of this page in detail." She murmurs in anticipation before I place my hand over hers and slowly guide the mouse pointer to the mysterious notification on the screen.

"Let's see where this takes us... It might be interesting." I hum with interest, clicking the notification, thus allowing the content of the message to be displayed in front of us.

*Congratulations! Your video caught my attention! Danjuro Tobita and Manami Aiba, if you two are so good at this… The world must be a tough place to live in, right?*

"What?" I ask dumbfounded with my eyes wide open in surprise. This person somehow knows our identities, but that is not important in relation to the question.

*What do you think of your world?*

*It's boring? It is unfair?*

These strange and sudden questions cause La Brava to clench her fists and lower her head, possibly remembering some fragments of her past, while I also ask myself the same question… What do I think of the world?

For trying to pursue my dream, my family and friends turned their backs on me… For trying to do the right thing I was marginalized by society… I tried, really tried, and still failed. The rules of this world only favor a few, while the rest can only watch helplessly as time goes by...

The world is simply...

"Unfair." La Brava and I whispered unconsciously in unison before looking at the last part of the message.

*If there was a way to change the rules of the world as if it were a video game, where the rules and the objective were clear, what would you think of that?*

By now, I have a clear idea of who we're dealing with, so I can't help but chuckle slightly and write a short but elegant reply. "In that case, little sir, that world you describe would be wonderful and worthy of a fairy tale." I mutter condescendingly, slightly shaking my head before sending my reply.

However, right at that moment, the screen in front of me flickers abruptly before a strange interference begins to spread across all the screens around us. "I believe it too!" The distorted voice of a child exclaims with great enthusiasm from the computer in front of us, where the fearsome symbol of Hydra now adorns the screen.

La Brava and I quickly rise from our seats on high alert, completely confused and stunned, as intrigue and anticipation grow more and more in me. "Gentle, what is happening?" La Brava asks nervously, holding my hand tightly, as a purple mass quickly spreads around us.

"I will allow both of you to be reborn under the wing of Hydra… Then we will change the rules and forge a wonderful world!" The distorted childish voice is heard through all the computers, while a blinding white light completely covered us.

So without hesitation and with nothing to lose, La Brava and I advanced into the unknown holding hands.


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"Welcome to Hydra!"

Thus began our strange but fascinating adventure to change the rules that govern the world and record our names in the history books. All this at the whim of a child, a genius child with a great imagination capable of doing anything, a child I would eventually call... Bocchan.


Time later.

Since that day a lot of interesting things have happened and I now manage one of Hydra's many holdings, a major outpost in the middle of Musutafu City hidden under an elegant facade. Little Bocchan certainly thought of everything and that precisely makes him extremely dangerous.

However, I myself would risk my life for him without even hesitation, because he is the only person who can really change this unfair world… Or turn it into ashes.

The sound of a small bell reaches my ears, interrupting my thoughts and warning me of the arrival of a couple of heroes at the Hydra outpost managed by me. This causes the few Hydra agents around the entire place to prepare for anything, therefore I get to work and purposefully advance toward the newcomers.

A couple of heroes shouldn't be a problem… I'll take care of them quickly, after all, little Bocchan trusts me and I don't plan to let him down.

"Welcome to Anteiku, the best coffee shop in the city." I kindly pronounce, making a slight bow, while wearing my elegant work uniform.

My uniform consists of a long-sleeved white shirt with a dark sleeveless vest along with a scarf around my neck while also wearing a dark apron and black pants. With this set of clothes, I am practically unrecognizable so I can go unnoticed right in front of the heroes and the police.

Behind me, three Hydra agents stand obediently at my command, hands behind their backs, posing as workers at this coffee shop. "A table for two people." I order with my authoritative but gentle voice followed by a light and sophisticated applause.

"Yes sir!" The three waiters behind me exclaim in unison with determination before beginning to diligently carry out their orders.

"Today we have a special discount for professional heroes on our selection of tea. May I take your orders, gentlemen?" I ask with a slight smile spreading across my face.

"I told you this place was great." One of the heroes whispers enthusiastically to his partner with a nudge before they head to the table set for them. Unbeknownst to them, they are being monitored by the cameras and microphones that lie hidden throughout this establishment... As is the case with any hero or policeman who enters Anteiku.

After a few hours and after having satisfied all our guests, I return to my classic apartment. Inside I find La Brava in front of her laptop, monitoring the results of the latest videos we've posted on our channel on EmperorTube... Videos that turned out to be a success.

At that moment, La Brava notices me and smiles in my direction with stars in her eyes "Child Emperor's tips really worked and now we have a huge number of subscribers! This is amazing, Gentle!" She exclaims enthusiastically before looking at the time on a huge old wooden clock that graces my living room. "Oh, I almost forgot." She murmurs with a small smile spreading across her face before quickly heading to the guest room.

At this, I shake my head with amusement, hiding a small smile before heading to the center of the living room, where a glass pedestal houses a valuable book inside. A book that little Bocchan gave me when we first met… Even his words full of cunning and sinister connotations still echo in my mind.

*** If you really want to change this twisted and unfair world, you'll need something to believe in, something to hold on to so your resolve doesn't waver! And I'm sure this holy book will help you find that answer. ***

I stop in front of the glass pedestal and carefully remove the book from inside, holding it as if it were a treasure, as I begin to hum a tune I learned from reading this book. "London Bridge is falling down…" I hum slowly, observing the book in my hands with devotion… Someday, my name will also be written in a history book.

"Falling down ~ falling down."

At that moment, the huge wooden clock in the living room marks midnight with the characteristic and captivating ringing of the small bell. This causes a secret compartment to emerge from the ground, revealing a magnificent and elegant outfit that Bocchan replicated for me according to the specifications in this book.

"London Bridge is falling down…"

During the day I am a simple manager of the Anteiku coffee shop… At night I am Gentle Criminal, an extravagant villain under the orders of Hydra who dreams of recording his name in the history books and changing the rules of this unfair world.

And I will, whatever it takes...

"My Fair Lady…"


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Then with the determination spreading through my entire body, I put the book back on its glass pedestal and quickly initiate an elegant and epic sequence of changing clothes with firm and precise movements.

Within a couple of minutes, I adjust my fancy hat on top of my head, ready to tackle whatever comes my way. "Is everything ready, La Brava?" I ask politely, adding a slight English accent to my tone.

On the other side of the living room is La Brava in her characteristic villain outfit looking at me with stars in her eyes and holding a technologically advanced video camera in her hands. "I am ready to walk by your side and record your name in history." She says determinedly, gracing her face with a beaming smile before pointing the camera at me and starting to record.

"I am Gentle...Gentle Criminal! The Villain~Tuber! Everyone welcome to one more adventure!"


Weeks later and back to the present.

The moment that we had been waiting for so long finally arrived, the prelude to the end of an unjust era had begun and with that our determination was tested.

"Young hero, allow me to apologize for my sudden attack, I don't like violent solutions… Therefore, I would really appreciate it if you would give up and allow me to knock you out quickly, I promise you will feel no pain." I say politely, keeping my elegant English accent and bowing slightly apologetically.

"You must be kidding." The young hero known as Lemillion snarls. "This will be my only and last warning! Surrender right now, villain! The other heroes and riot officers must already be about to surround this entire area!" He exclaims, clenching his fists and preparing again for combat. "I do not have time to lose." He mutters narrowing his eyes at me with determination burning in his eyes.

"Oh, young hero, I appreciate your undeserved offer of mercy. However, unfortunately, I can't accept it… I admire your determination and now I can't help but wonder, what color will your eyes be when your determination succumbs to mine?" I hum with a crooked smile spreading across my face. "And about your reinforcements... Something tells me they won't arrive on time." I mutter sinisterly.

"Negotiations have failed, both Lemillion and Gentle Criminal refuse to back down! Now there is only one possible outcome!" La Brava announces dramatically from the safety of surrounding rooftops, recording the entire situation for our next viral video.



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In the next chapters!

Chapter 60 Welcome to Musutafu City… Home of Hydra.

Chapter 61 Holding Out For A Hero - Part 1

Chapter 62 Holding Out For A Hero... Part 2

Chapter 63 Level Completed

Chapter 64 A small and cunning Trojan Horse

Chapter 65 ☆A Dangerous Mind☆