Level Completed


AN: I am here with important news about this incredible story.

The first chapters are being rewritten, in fact at the time of this publication, chapters 1/2/3/4/5 have already been completely rewritten.

Possibly some things will change, others not so much... But it will definitely be incredible and very pleasant to write.

The new name of the work after the rewriting is...

>>> My Chaos Academia: Brotherhood <<<

By the way, the number of references is terrifying... I dare you to find them.



Chapter 63: Level Completed

"You're lying..."


He has taken the bait.


My eyes immediately widened in alarm, feigning shock and dismay before shaking my head from side to side rapidly. "Alright! Alright!" I exclaim in apparent panic, flailing my arms energetically at my sides. "I may have omitted and altered some things in my earlier statement..." I muttered quickly, clasping my fingers innocently with apparent nervousness before suddenly grabbing the detective's hand.

"...But right now that's not important!" I exclaim impatiently, looking the detective square in the eye and squeezing his hand tightly. "My big brother needs help!"

My dramatic exclamation caused the detective's accusing look to immediately disappear and be replaced by a look of surprise, understanding, and regret. "You are telling the truth." He mumbles a little confused before I yank his hand hard and force him to follow me.

So, taking advantage of the detective's visible confusion and the numerous theories forming in his head, I quickly led the way through the dense fog that blanketed the surroundings without giving him a chance to come to a reasonable conclusion. At the same time, a small but imperceptible smile forms on the curve of my lips.

Every one of my moves...

Every word that comes out of my mouth...

The timely arrival of the detective...

I have set the perfect stage for this great prelude to finally come to an end.

After all, in this wonderful puzzle game...



Moments before.

"I'm the worst brother in the world!" I inwardly exclaimed, carefully examining a wounded and unconscious Izuku sprawled on the ground next to me as a thick mist quickly blankets our surroundings.

Obviously, this is not just any fog and is generated by some small technologically modified canisters that I dropped around the area when making my wonderful dramatic entrance and which I subsequently activated.

Thus causing an eerie Silent Hill-inspired mist to spread around the surroundings, primarily designed to severely affect the visibility of anyone in the area and disorient my opponents, allowing me to quickly escape any situation.

However, I do not plan to escape.

"Why do you have to be so heroic and reckless? Give me a break, onii~chan." I groan childishly under my breath, slowly removing my gas mask and revealing my face before sighing sharply.

Immediately after, my smoking mechanical combat wings deactivate and return to the inside of my backpack along with the robotic tentacle that I had deployed. As a result, Toga nimbly lands behind me, thankfully still maintaining her transformation after being freed from the robotic tentacle that was holding her.

"Woah! That was intense and a bit dramatic... My head is still spinning though." Toga mutters, swaying from side to side a bit, looking around with interest before turning her attention in my direction. "So... Is that supposed to be in your evil plans?" she asks, tilting her head in confusion and pointing her finger at the unconscious and injured Izuku next to me before licking her lips.

"No... But now I do." I huff, shrugging and quickly pulling a small first aid kit out of my backpack. "Don't worry, Izuku, you'll recover soon, your amazing little brother will take care of it." I whisper close to my brother's ear, pushing aside the stupid feeling of guilt and getting to work.

At this point, it is inevitable that my actions will not directly or indirectly hurt the people important to me, therefore I will do my best to minimize that damage. However, I will not let my feelings get in the way of my goals.

I won't make that stupid cliché mistake!

"Can I lick Izuku~Chan's wounds? Or better yet... can I lick your wounds?" Toga cheekily asks with a sinister glint in her eyes, interrupting my thoughts and walking towards us with a bloodthirsty smile on her face.

I do not have time for this...

One death glare from me was enough to stop her in her tracks and make her flinch before an unfriendly smile spread across my face. "Remember our little deal, Toga~Chan." I hum sweetly, getting between her and Izuku.

"Besides, if you really want to feast on my juicy and delicious blood... You will have to do a few things for me first." I hum slyly, pointing cheekily at my neck and winking at her. This of course causes the desired effect.

"Law of equivalent exchange..." She mutters, remembering a few words of mine before quickly nodding. "I understand! I will do anything for my precious nectar! Anything!" She exclaims energetically with a flushed face, focusing her hungry and disturbed gaze on my little neck.

This is strange and a bit disturbing, considering that she's still using my appearance.

Despite the circumstances, this is a great opportunity and I am not going to miss it. "In that case, Toga~Chan..." I hum, taking off my backpack and tossing it toward her before turning my attention to my stun blaster lying on the ground not far from her. Which makes an evil grin slowly spread across my face.

"Take off your clothes."


Back to the present.

It was a good idea to switch my clothes with Toga beforehand, otherwise, it would have been very suspicious and strange of me to appear in front of the detective wearing the same clothes as a certain villain. Which would lead the detective to immediately connect the dots and blow my cover, jeopardizing my future plans.

So of course I'm wearing my visibly dirty and torn school uniform with a faint smell of sweat and blood.

"Over here!" I exclaimed, stopping in front of my unconscious older brother, while Detective Naomasa caught his breath and carefully watched Izuku covered in numerous band-aids on each of his wounds. Band-aids developed by me which increase the cell regeneration of the host thus allowing a faster recovery than normal.

"What the hell happened here?" The detective asks quietly, clenching his fists in frustration and helplessness.

"There is something... There is something very important that I must tell you, Detective... My older brother, Izuku, may possibly be the key to stopping Child Emperor." I stutter, swallowing a lump in my throat and turning my gaze slowly to the detective as the tension builds.

"What? What do you mean?" He asks visibly puzzled, trying to connect the dots and make sense of this whole messy situation until finally his eyes widen in surprise. Izuku's incredible analytical ability will no longer go unnoticed.

However, the detective's surprise was unexpectedly cut short when a childish laugh echoed through the dense fog not far from us, causing the detective's body to tense up.

Immediately after, a small figure quickly emerges through the mist and rises several feet into the air above us. As expected, this figure was Toga wearing my trademark gas mask and rocket shoes, posing as Child Emperor and pointing a blaster menacingly at the detective.

"FU~FU~FU! I almost forgot to leave without first leaving my parting gift!" Toga exclaims ominously, pulling the trigger without hesitation and causing a bolt of energy to shoot out in the detective's direction. "Bloodthirsty Death Ray!" She brazenly exclaims despite being just a stun beam, quickly propelling herself into the air in the opposite direction before disappearing from sight.

It's time to be a hero!

"Detective! Watch out!" I exclaim dramatically, bringing out my inner Izuku and lunging at the detective like this is all a slow-motion scene from a Hollywood drama. Therefore, I stand between the startled detective and the apparent deadly energy beam.

"Nooo!" Naomasa exclaims in a panic, extending his right hand towards me and desperately trying to reach me... But it was too late.

The energy beam impacted abruptly against my chest, causing me to clench my teeth as a strong electrical current quickly spread through every inch of my body until I finally collapsed to the ground under the detective's stunned gaze.

My vision begins to darken as the sounds of police sirens and the roar of a helicopter grow louder along with the cry of some heroes in the distance and the frantic breathing of the detective next to me.

I guess the detective just unlocked a new trauma...

"Detective! We have found Suneater together with a high school student! Both are unconscious and need medical attention!"

"The mist is dissipating abnormally fast!"

"Lemillion has just been found unconscious and badly injured in a nearby alley!"

"Detective! Detective Naomasa! What are your orders?"

"No, no, no..." Naomasa mutters repeatedly in a trembling, completely devastated tone of voice as the darkness consumes me.

I guess it's the perfect time to take a sweet nap...

"Detective! Child Emperor has escaped!

I... won.






To Be Continued...

Chapter 64 A small and cunning Trojan Horse

Chapter 65 ☆A Dangerous Mind☆

Chapter 66 A Bittersweet Prelude

Chapter 67 The decisions we make...

These chapters will be released as they sync with the rewrite to avoid confusion.