Alexander guided me to a food booth and ordered something. He placed two silver coins on the table and took two food skewers from the vendor.
Alexander offered me one and I received it. The food in my hand was white and had the shape of a tube; they stacked up horizontally and red sauce covered them.
"Try it."
I lifted my head and Alexander was seen eating it. I brought it to my lips and took a bite.
The sweet-spicy flavor with a little bit of acidity filled my mouth; I thought it was the dressing while the white tube thing was savory and had a chewy texture.
Surprisingly, it matched altogether and–
"It's delicious."
Alexander chuckled.
"I know, right?"
I nodded in agreement and took another bite.
"Let's try something else."
We went to the second stall and literally, we just tried every food and drink we could find.