17. Face to Face

The Unstoppable was ready and it was now the battle time, Face to Face with the exterminators.

"huh, well well well , look brothers seems like the guests are waiting for us , how about we give them a warm welcome. Shouldn't we brothers?" said Blackhawk the leader of the exterminators.

"we should indeed brother! we should indeed!" said the gang.

What brings you here kids, aren't you scared of us? Don't you want to go to you mommy and daddy?!" said one of the gang member and they all laughed.

Just then Sofia stood up, looking amazing in the costume and said "Think what you want to, but we're most certainly not afraid of you!"

"who are you to tell us that?" said Blackhawk.

"We are the Unstoppable! The heroes of Soro. Come on guys let's show the who we are, seems like they don't know us yet!" said Sofia sarcastically.