
Bernard was almost about to cry, and he knew that without a satisfactory answer today, these two ancestors who were stirring the wind and rain in the imperial city would not have spared him.

Even if he doesn't die, the Bernard Group will be finished.

He forced himself to calm down for a good two minutes.

Just as Jack's patience was about to run out, Bernard suddenly said, "Oh by the way, Eric has a secret base. Back then, my father accidentally broke into it once. He saw many photos and portraits of the same woman on the wall, but that woman was not Phiona.

Back then, he must have been the one who led the way for that woman. As long as we find out what happened to that woman back then, it can prove that what I said is true.

Moreover, he still keeps several safes there, and my father said that there must be many secrets hidden inside, maybe there may be unexpected gains

Upon hearing this, Jack immediately asked excitedly, "Where is that place