Chapter 6

"Where are you taking me?" "My sister will come looking for me."

"You be quiet." "I have plans for you and I am not scared of your sister." "I have you so she will come right to me."

"My sister will find you and kick your butt."

"Hahaha." "Don't make me laugh boy, she couldn't even kill me when she blew up my place so now I have to find another place."

Hazel please find me fast. I don't want to die yet and I am scared.


"Hurry, we need to find clues to find him."

"I am going as fast as I can." "I know we have to find him but we also have to take breaks to take care of ourselves." "We need to stay alive to find your brother."

I grabbed Hazel by the shoulders.

"Calm down." "I know we have to find him but us being dead won't help anyone."

"Sigh." "I know but he's my brother."

I walked over to the small river that we are following. Kneeling down I cupped the water and drank the water. Looking at the water I notice something in the water. It's James's bracelet.

"They must have come through here." "I just found something that belongs to James." "Let's keep going."

"I have to rest, you should rest too."

I can tell she really wants to find her brother but I can tell she is exhausted. I pat the spot next to me.

"Come on, you need energy to keep going, we will find James as soon as we are well rested."

"You're right."

I sat down by Jackson. His hand found mine. I lean my head on his shoulder.

"This would be so romantic if we weren't worried about finding my brother."

"Yes this would be very romantic and we will find James I promise."

I pull my hand from hers and wrap it around her shoulder. I wish this moment could last forever but we really need to find her brother. He's like a little brother to me.

"Sigh." "Let's keep going, I really need to know my brother is alright."

I stand up, take a deep breath and focus everything I have into my power so I can make a portal to where James is. I am glad my powers have rested enough for me to use them. I put all my memories about James into my power to locate where he is.

"I know where to go, let's keep moving."

We walked for a couple of hours through waters and pointy bushes but we finally made it to a small cabin. I start my way to the house but Jackson stops me.

"We need a plan, you can't just go in there expecting her to hand James over."


"You never did tell me your plan." "If it's so great then why won't you share?" "Unless it's not so great after all."

"You brat, it is great and I will tell you why." "I have this place booby trapped so when your sister comes to rescue you she wont know what hit her and then I will take her powers when she is unconscious and the whole world will be mine to rule." "Hahahahahahaha."

"That's not great at all, that's so lame it makes evil people look down on you."

"What the hell would you know about evil?"

"I am just as evil as you." "I wanted my sister's powers since I found out about her having them." "My father said something about her being just like my great grandma." "He said that she looked like an exact copy of her."

"Why would you want your sister's powers?"

"My family and everyone around me always made it all about Hazel." " They never said much about me like they did her so on Halloween I killed my own mother."

"That was you?" "I know I killed your father and that other lady but when I got there your mother was already dead."

"Yep, that was me."

"Why would you kill your own mother?"

"To frame my sister but when you showed up I had to act innocent and not know anything about their death." "You screwed it all up for me so this whole time I have been with my sister and her new boyfriend I have been putting another plan together."

"OOOO." "I would love to hear your plan."

"Only if you become my partner and we both get part of her power."

"Yes I would love to be your partner in crime."

"Great to make it official, I need your hand."

"What for?"

"I will cut my hand and you cut yours and when we combine our blood it will seal the deal so if one of us backs out or betrays another it will instantly kill the one that's doing wrong."

"That won't happen so I will do as you ask."

"Good to hear."

We shook on it and the power of the deal was sealed.

"Here's the plan."


"I will take the back side of the cabin and you the front."

"Sounds good."

James please be alright. I hope Jackson and I can bring this evil lady to the grave. 

"Sigh." "NOW!"

We crashed into the cabin. I looked around to make sure there were no traps looking right in front of me. I see James tied to a chair. I ran to his side untying him and taking the tape off his mouth.

"Are you alright?"

"Yes I am fine." "I am so glad you found me." "I was so scared I thought she was going to kill me."

"I would never let her do that to you." "I will always find you and keep you safe." "You have all my heart James and I would never let anyone hurt you, family stick together."

"Yeah, family sticks together." "I have a surprise for you."

"Really?" "That's so sweet of you." "You didn't have to get me anything."

"Yes I really did have to do this for you." "It's more for me than you." "NOW!"

Before I knew it a cage fell over me and Jackson was thrown to the ground and tied to a pole.

"What the hell?" "What is the meaning of this James?" "I am your sister, why would you be helping her?"

"Sis sis sis I never liked you." "You always took mother and father away from me, they always worried about you because of this power you have." "I was always left out and left behind because of what you have." "So I am taking what you have to use for myself."

"That's not my fault I never asked to have powers and I tried to get you involved but you always walked away." "I love you James no matter what you are going to do to me I would give you my whole world just to see you happy so if this makes you happy then so be it you can have my powers and do as you please."

"What?" "Really?" "You're not going to try and fight me?"

"Why should I?" "You're my family, I can't hurt you." "I will always love you no matter what you choose."

"Hazel, are you crazy don't let him take your powers, it will kill you."

"There's not much to live for when your last family member is against you." "I love you Jackson and I will never forget you." "James, I will always be by your side." "I love you little man." "I hope when you take my powers you take them to do good because bad doesn't suit you, you're too smart of a kid and I know you will do what's right."

I see tears in James' eyes. Is he being forced to do this?

"Whatever you have to say means nothing to me. You may say all thoughts loving things but I don't believe you." "You never once looked at me and tried to make mother and father do more with me, it was always you." "You!" "I hate you."

The tears are angry tears not sad he really does want to kill me he's not being forced to do anything. I did so much for him and now this is what I get in thanks to all that I have done. I feel a different kind of power.

"Now that I am done talking I have another surprise." "Come out so we can talk to our guest."

No fucking way he's teamed up with that women.

"You have been partners with this crazy witch the whole time?"

"No you bitch your brother and I just sealed a deal before you got here we are now bonded until some betrays the other." "This was your brother's whole idea." "He said that I screwed his whole plan up when I came after you." "He's wanted you dead for a long time."

I don't know what to say to my little brother.

This whole time he was planning some way to kill me.

"If you wanted my powers, why did you want Jackson to come with us?"

"I wanted to see you lose everything you have and I also want to watch him lose someone he loves."

"This was your whole plan all along?"

"Bingo you finally figured it out , now it's too late."

He's not going to use my power for good; he has that evil woman on his side now. This could get really ugly but now there's nothing more I can do. I can't hurt my own brother. I just don't have it in me to use my powers.

"Hazel you can't just give up now you have so much to live for don't let these maniacs take everything you have."

"I am so Jackson I just don't know what else to do I am out of ideas."

I bowed my head in defeat then I saw stars forming all around me. What's happening? 

"No." "Okay this is our last chance to get her power before she gets her full power." "We need to do this now before it's too late."

Wow I love the stars, they are so beautiful I can't believe I am doing this. I hear James in the background but don't pay any attention to him because I love all of my powers. I can't believe it, this is me it's all me. I feel a sharp pain go throughout my whole body. What's happening? I passed out from all the pain.