A Spark of Conscience

As Louisanna entered the room, a mischievous smile escaped from her lips as she noticed how her classmates study passionately as they didn't know what books to scan. All of them looked restless, and to be honest, Louisanna would be like that, too— if not for Domhall's help.

'I can still remember everything,'  Louisanna thought at the back of her mind as she tried to recall the topics she didn't even read from her textbook. The smile never left her lips.

'Domhall's words were just bluffs. I knew it, he won't be able to reverse what he did to my mind,' she even added as she walked down the stairs. 

Their classroom for the major subjects looked like a defense room, in which five chairs on both sides were placed. Three stairs on the left, right, and middle sides of the room are where people pass by to go to their designated seats. 

In that way, all students, even though they were sitting at the back, would see what the professor was lecturing.