Closed Cultivation

When Kaze and Evalyn were alone, she turned to him. "I'm not sure how I feel about you using my trauma as a pollitical bargaining chip, but I respect it. Thanks for handling the situation."

He nodded in response. "I hope you've learned a lot from it."

"I have. You've proved that you can lie." She chuckled sarcastically.

"Honesty and deception hold equal value when communicating the truth." Kaze smiled, "I will destroy them if they attack me; that's a fact. The honest explanation about how is irrelevant."

Evalyn's eyes widened, and then they relaxed. "That… is impressive. I wish I had that power."

"Perfect timing. I'm taking you somewhere where you can cultivate this week without interuptions." Kaze smiled, "You need to power up and get your emotions checked so you can pretend everything is alright."

Evalyn laugh-scoffed in disbelief. "Are you saying that I should be like you?

Charming people and having sex until the last thirty minutes until the apocalypse?"