
Every soldier immediately lifted their weapons at Kaze, flying above the bridge. However, they found a wall of spear-sized blood shards facing them instead.

It was [Tears of the Fallen] without immediate usage and larger shards.

A vortex of blood from the bridge materialized in real time, shocking everyone watching aside from Crux, who watched in awe.

There was a lot of blood in the area from days of rioting and confrontations with the military, and it was all displayed in the most dramatic way possible.

"Unless you seek a swift, avertible death, I suggest you follow my instructions." The emperor declared coldly, causing every soldier to tremble.

The sick were unphased by his demonstration.

"Who... in the FUCK... do YOU think you—"

A rioter's head exploded when a spear crashed into it, impaling his body. The blood in the shard expanded inside, causing pressure that made the wound explode.

The healthy around the man screamed and attempted to move backward again.