June 27th, 2032 | Mortal Incentives | 10 Days Remain

Kaze took a shower to remove the last residual impurities from the miasma in his body.

He methodically obliterated his chest, lungs, and shoulders and healed them to permanently remove impurities. Now his body was as pristine and unscarred as it was a week ago.

It was ludicrous from any rational perspective and showcased the absurd level of power he had amassed with his cultivation techniques and the indomitability of his mindset.

"Finally." Kaze grinned, getting out of the shower with a bright smile, "I'll finally be able to create spatial rings in a few days; I have long forgotten how inconvenient satchels were."

For the emperor, who walked around with a massive treasury on his finger in the Immortal Plane, wearing a leather bag to carry documents was chafing.

"That's for then. For now, I need to get Crux and Evalyn set up with training and also Crux about Ergo Seeds." He muttered to himself pensively.