Divine Flow Physique

After the faction members took a copy of the job roster and began walking to the training grounds, Kiera snuck into the back of the amphitheater to avoid watchful eyes.

"Sup, chief?" Kiera asked briskly, "Did you happen to find time to practice mercy last night?"

Kaze smiled maliciously with fierce green eyes, accenting his menacing smile.

"No? I understand. You're super busy, and all." The pink-haired teen remarked, averting her gaze with an awkward smile. "Maybe next time?"

"We'll see." He chuckled ominously, "Let's go. You'll need all the time I can give you."

She swallowed nervously at his strange words. "Okay, I'll be quiet and stuff. Just don't murder me, kay? Treat me like a good hostage or something."

"Must you always play the fool?" Kaze asked in exasperation.

"I only got five minutes until it's no can talk, chief." Kiera replied briskly, "If I don't get it out of my system, I'll be a tragedy magnet, and I'm not a fan of either of those words."