Demonstrating the Consequences

—June 1st, 2032 | Strategy Meeting | 6 Days Until the Rapture—

"If we're avoiding panic by not explaining the gravity of our situation, why let everyone see traumatized members?" Jake asked in confusion.

"Seeing traumatized members will drive in the direness of the situation more than our words every could."

"Gratitude." Kaze replied with a slight smile, perplexing everyone, "The returnees will strike fear into everyone's heart but also provide a counterbalance by being grateful to be here.

Their behavior will make people panic about being sent out of the walls. So they won't panic out of fear."

The new cabinet members fell silent and smiled bitterly, understanding the horror and truth behind his message.

"So what do we do about those that panic?" Evalyn asked, cutting through the new member's fears, "Even if we contain 98% of people, that 2% can cause everything to devolve into chaos."