Raves, Spas, and Communal Beatings

Kane and his soldiers sat around their camps with wry smiles. The humiliation they faced that day was devastating, and now they couldn't forget about it.

The sound decibels of the party raging in the distance sharply increased [again], making the soldiers cringe.

"Is that man purposely encouraging the partying to get more extreme!?" Kane cried, breaking his composure.

Inside the second mansion's main ballroom, a rave was raging in full force.

Faction members swung blinking lightsabers and glowsticks under blacklights.

Women walked in wearing their panties and tight shirts or their bikinis. Some had glow-in-the-dark images drawn on them as they danced with sweating bodies.

Naturally, there weren't drugs at Immortal Skye, but there was a keg and various punches that glowed in the blacklights.

Kaze walked up to the DJ in the second mansion with a wide smile. "Mateo, my friend!"

"Emperor!" The DJ replied, pulling his headphones off, "What can I do for you, my man!?"