July 4th, 2032 | Impending Combat | 3 Days Until The Rapture

Kaze oversaw the training the next day with the soldiers and faction members.

It started with the soldiers learning [Fertility of Growth], the same breathing earth technique used by all his members.

Watching the Lockheed students train highly disciplined elites was comical. Also, seeing the soldiers accept feedback despite the disorder was strangely wholesome.

That said, the scene was also tense because both groups were subtly competing at all times.

"Next up, offensive techniques!" The emperor clapped, "Soldiers, you are vastly superior in killing with cultivation techniques. However, your power is lacking. Brad, please hit a target."

Brad nodded, walked to the firing range, locked onto a dummy, and waved his hand.

ShiiiiinnNNK! … thud.

A slash of warping Qi cut through the area and hit a lightly protected black mannequin, slicing it in half after resistance and continuing until it hit a Soul Qi-reinforced T-Wall installed that morning.