The Malta Ultimatum

A flurry of awkward gasps and whispers rippled through the area when Carmen Skeer, the Malta City Police Chief, told the emperor she didn't want to talk to him.

However, everyone fell silent when the chief and her bodyguards tried listening. Everyone.

They stood at the south gate, facing the only road into Immortal Skye. It was an important area bustling with soldiers installing sentry guns and reinforcing the walls.

So hearing everyone fall dead silent in unison was eerie. It was a clear indication that Kaze was important at Immortal Skye. However, she didn't know to what extent.

All information on Immortal Skye was classified, including the name of the Emperor. So all she knew was that she was there for a special event.

Now, she was unnerved but felt her behavior was justifiable.

"I suppose I was a college student when we last met." Kaze smiled mysteriously, "Now it's evident that's changed.