The First Victory

Kaze flew above the lake at the center of the Immortal Skye campus, overlooking the Immortals and soldiers. They circled the lake, backs to each other.

Their eyes were on the sky with Guided Arrows out front, awaiting the Airbreaker Unit's arrival.

In the center stood Evalyn on a glacier pillar twenty feet in the air, circling everyone's backs.

"Malta's approaching us!" Evalyn announced loudly, "To defend ourselves is natural; to fight back is to survive.

Aim your arrows to the sky if you seek to fight and protect those around you."

The nervous Immortals looked to the sky, in denial that they were getting attacked or that they'd be killing humans. Their lives were deceptively peaceful the day before. They were in shock.

However, the special forces soldiers reacted immediately, preparing to release their arrows without question. Even those that blamed Kaze for their plight refused to stand around and die.