Reputation Points

"Kaze, you're one twisted man." Sage grinned, reading an official document.

July Reputation Point Incentives

The Reputation Point (RP) system encourages Immortals to work diligently, showcase talent in cultivation classes, and create businesses and services for others.

With RP, an Immortal can purchase or gain access to better work opportunities, improved housing, and exclusive classes, techniques, and opportunities.

"It's one thing to see this on paper; it's another to see it live." She grinned, looking at her new workplace, "Well, let's get to work."

"Welcome to the Exclusive." Sage smiled, welcoming a group of fifty through the gates of a mansion, "Those who accumulate 100 reputation points can sign up for specialty classes for exclusive techniques.

All exclusive classes cost one to ten RP depending on the skill level, but talent allows a person to earn the points back every lesson."

Exclusive Fundamental Classes [Weekly]

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