The Beginning

"Surely there are things for you to do, right?" Evalyn asked, walking up to the emperor.

He sat on a fold-out poolside chair on the patio of the second mansion overlooking Immortal Skye. It was 7 pm, and work operations were over, but plenty of sunlight remained in the summer sky.

"Pray tell, Evalyn." Kaze smiled relaxedly, "What exactly is there to do?"

"What needs to be done?" The blonde asked, giving him a venom-laced smile dripping with sarcasm, "While I'll admit that I'm not as politically savvy as you, it's the apocalypse.

Surely, there are things to do. Rebuilding, reinforcing, creating supply chains, and the like."

"A government is unnecessary for people with our power." He replied lazily, overlooking the campus, "Rulers create them so they don't have to do everything.

We have soldiers to fight, trades workers to build, and normal members to obtain supplies. So you needn't stress yourself out thinking you'll do everything yourself."