The Operation to Save the Families

"Let's send a small force to handle the situation." Evalyn suggested immediately, "Crux and I can lock down the base in two hours. There's no reason to wait."

Riley and her soldiers' eyes widened in shock, but no one else was surprised.

"Don't forget they're hostages, Evalyn." Kaze shook his head, "Crux must handle missiles, and you must stop the soldiers from panicking and killing our people within the storehouse.

Killing everyone is easy; keeping our people alive around irrational people isn't."

The Maltian soldiers shuddered at his statement that killing everyone was easy.

"Then let's send healers to make it until you can leave Immortal Skye." Evalyn gritted her teeth after hearing his warning. "Our soldiers can double as protectors and healers."

"Unfortunately, things aren't that simple." Kaze said calmly, "Showing up could be more dangerous than not going. That's why we must discuss—"