
"Blackout in ten… nine… eight…." Evalyn counted down chillingly, overlooking Lainwright Military Base with a cold gaze.

Sandra signaled her team, and they nodded, starting their truck engines.

"Seven…." The Ice General counted, "Six…."

Aaron signaled to the spotters giving target coordinates to a team of snipers lying on the ground with 50-caliber rifles.

"Five… four…."

A team of twelve in black tactical gear got into position on a cliff, preparing to run. They were all at a distance, but they could run 35 miles an hour and had the flexibility of a normal runner.

"Three… two…." Evalyn counted hypnotically, "One…."

Crux listened calmly, eyes closed, feeling clouds on her feet above the military base. There was a full moon that night, and the area was still.

When the count reached one, she opened her amethyst eyes.

The Ice General narrowed her sky-blue eyes with a vicious gaze. "Blackout."