July 13th, 2032 - The Second Phase

"Our teams killed two of their spies, lacking the skill to capture them for interrogation." Evalyn said, drinking a cup of coffee with bags under her eyes, "If you trust it's just scouts, I'll have Crux capture one next time."

The Ice General and Kaze sat in a windowless conference room, surrounded by reinforced concrete walls, preventing enemy attacks. Since they weren't worried about getting hurt, their location indicated a desire for privacy.

"Make it your top priority." Kaze nodded, "We discussed the possibility they'd send cultivators to investigate already. However, we cannot allow these spies to expose our weaknesses."

"Of course." Evalyn replied, "If it's a convenience role, it means they're sending a force they're confident can kill a Cultivation Lord and her elite team in 24 hours. Are you confident we can survive such an attack?"

"We have six weeks, so we'll be fine." He replied, making her tired eyes snap open, "We only have to expedite our training schedule."