An Unexpected Scenario

Rein grabbed Steve Chung's arm and punted her shin into his crotch with considerable force.

"CuaahhHCk!" He coughed, making a horrifying sound as he grabbed his crotch, falling to the ground and wheezing.

All the men [and women] in the den groaned in despair, watching the poor Asian man hit the ground, eyes rolling to the back of his head.

"I don't care who you are or how nice you're being." Rein scoffed, "If you try to touch me without consent again, I'll curb-stomp your testicles until Minor Healing can't heal them!"

She waved her hand, healing the groaning man skillfully, and turned to the bar. "Bartender, can I get a towel to clean up this mess?"

The man behind the counter snapped to attention when addressed, nodded, and ran away.

Sage looked away and continued her conversation, convinced Rein wasn't acting as a spy. For her part, Rein listened carefully, hoping to get more information while she waited.
