July 21st, 2032 | Kylie’s Ultimatum

"My name…." A brunette wearing a white robe began nervously, "Is Martha. I'm here… to be your… 'sparring partner.'"

Veronica, Jake, and Kylie cringed, watching the brunette explain her forced position. While they had no mercy for the cultivators, it was still extremely uncomfortable.

Moreover, they still hadn't recovered from seeing the redhead lying next to them. She looked more mentally unstable than the cultivator.

"Um…. Veronica….."

"... Jake."




Everyone turned their eyes to the pink-haired teen leading them, standing in Evalyn and Crux's battlegrounds. Her mocking eyes lacked mercy, matching the devastated forest background.

"While I'd love to sugarcoat this until you had diabetes so severe you'd be drinking each other's blood trying to get insulin, I have shit to do." Kiera said mockingly, "So let me break this down.

Sky Susan is here to chop your limbs off, and your job today is to kill her. That's how this works."