
"You've done well this morning, soldiers." Evalyn said, addressing the Lainwright soldiers on the training grounds, "The results of your training are showing.

It's been a non-stop week of constant training, and that has made you neglect a lot of your needs. Since you're doing well, take today to decompress and take care of your personal needs.

Band together to do the cooking and supply management. Beyond that, feel free to rest, take showers, play cards, or do anything else to relax. It's a day off; do with it as you wish.

I expect you all to show up tomorrow with clear minds, as I will not show any leniency for poor performers or troublemakers."

The soldiers looked at each other in confusion, unbelieving of her words. They were expecting a brutal day but got leniency.

Some soldiers voiced a desire to train, fearing it was a trick question. However, to everyone's astonishment, the Ice General walked out of the training grounds without saying another word.
