July 23rd, 2032 | Sexy~Chalk

"I'll let Crux know she's on full patrol today." Evalyn said with a grave expression, "Separate the civilians and get in groups to patrol areas. Let's send a message that monsters can enter their location anytime; we'll use fear to keep people in line.

You're authorized to use lethal force, but we should avoid killing at all costs."

"Understood, General Skye." Sandra nodded, studying the blonde's complex expression, "Is there something else bothering you? You look conflicted."

"No, I'm not conflicted; I'm just thinking." Evalyn chuckled bitterly, memories of the Immortal Skye parties flashing before her eyes, "I'm realizing that my outlook on training and leadership was flawed from the start.

I should've paid more attention to what Kaze was doing."