July 29th - August 1st, 2032 | Witch Hunt

After the Meridian Beach incident claimed eight Lainwright soldiers' lives, Evalyn temporarily slowed down training. She needed to maintain minimal morale to keep her trainees moving.

Luckily, the meat from the sea creatures revitalized their energy and healed their bodies in areas Minor Healing couldn't.

Rumors of the Immortal God spread through the camp like wildfire, speaking of a cultivator that saved their people and killed the fish for them. Whenever asked about it, Evalyn simply walked away. She wouldn't humor rumors that Kaze Lexicon was a god—even if she spread them.

Having a mystery deity on the horizon was something to talk and argue about that didn't involve death, danger, or suffering.

Two days passed by in a flash, giving everyone time to heal. On the third day, she gathered everyone in the shipping area, standing on a shipping container.

"It won't be easy, but you must do it." Evalyn muttered bitterly, remembering Kaze's words.