The Gates of Hell

A single explosion triggered a gruesome chain reaction outside the shipping yard. While Combustion didn't usually trigger fires, the dense collection of clothing lit up like firewood soaked with lighter fluid.

The fire quickly spread, creating a macabre chorus of screams. As the sick died, space freed up for zombies to run, instantly creating a riot as they pushed each other, trying to escape.

"WHAT HAVE YOU DONE!?" Aaron yelled viciously, watching the fire unfurl.

"What have I done?" The man asked sarcastically, "I killed an impossible amount of—"

Before he could finish his sentence, he felt airborne, looked down, and saw a horde of screaming zombies crashing against the gates.

"H-Hey, wait up!" He panicked, "It's going to kill all of them! We just have to keep the fire at bay—and we're next to a fucking ocean!"

"LOOK AT THE PILE OF FISH!" Aaron growled, holding him by the collar, "Do you think we can get water out of the fucking bay, Bill!?"