Power Level Up

Kaze deviously eyed the proud Pantheran princess, smirking about successfully jump-scaring Veronica with Shadow Pincer. "That was a flawless demonstration, Crux. Does this mean she's still unworthy?"

"Of course!" Crux huffed, "If just anyone could learn this masterful technique, they would have! Shadow techniques are our people's pride, showcasing our remarkable strength! While it's true that Mortals possess the talent and could perhaps learn one of these techniques, doing so at any speed would be absurd. Even I, Crux Panthera Pyron, First Princess of the Panthera Clan, could only use this technique after three years practice and was declared a genius! Therefore, it's not personal that—"

"You're remarkably talented; therefore, shouldn't you apologize for being rude to Veronica, as she didn't know?" Kaze interjected, cutting off her manic cat's grandiose, prideful speech, "It's only becoming of a noble princess."