Blunt-Force Trauma

Kaze landed on a wooden watch tower overlooking a state-of-the-art obstacle course. The area was like an imposing fortress with towering walls, deep ditches, rope bridges, mud pits, and recently installed reinforced t-walls. It was a far cry from the training grounds at Immortal Skye, a reminder that wealth didn't equate to practical purpose or usefulness.

"What bears on you so?" the emperor asked the unreactive blonde he landed next to, watching Immortals unloading crates of guns and carrying t-walls to the center of the obstacle course.

"Nothing 'bears' upon me," Evalyn rolled her eyes. "I'm just bitter our soldiers can't compete directly. The handicap you've given my side is so absurd that losing would be crushing."

"Oh, this isn't a handicap," he smirked. "My people have practiced with guns from the start. So you can rest easy knowing we're not at a disadvantage."

"That's what makes me bitter," she murmured.