Red Garden

"Wh-What the fuck was that!?" Moe shrieked as scorching steam assaulted the welts covering her body. The searing heat reddened their faces and snatched their breaths away as the Lainwright soldiers were consumed by agony. Terror spread like a contagion through the mist, threatening to unravel the typically unflinching warriors.

"In a military conflict, retreat is reserved for a singular reason," a mesmerizing voice declared, slicing through the fading mist. "The arrival of a juggernaut."

Dread pulsed through the Lainwright soldiers' veins when they heard the Immortals chanting Emperor Lexicon's name and cheering.

"Yet, surrender is never the answer," Kaze proclaimed, striding a quarter mile out, with golden light pulsing through the mist as he moved. Each flash silenced the screams of the Immortals, who then rose, creating an unsettling atmosphere akin to a necromancer's lair as the fog dispersed.