Chapter 5: Welcome to the Pack

Chapter 5: Welcome to the Pack

Tara POV

I woke up feeling extremely warm. The sun’s rays beamed in from the window across from me. My eyes fluttered open slowly as I finally regained consciousness.

I felt a warm breath on my neck, and when I looked over my shoulder, I saw a sleeping Victor. He looked so peaceful but he also looked so strikingly handsome. His face was a work of art. I was tempted to turn around and trace my fingers over his sharp features.

“You’re staring,” he breathed, causing me to still. His eyes were still closed but I had definitely heard him speak. That’s also the moment I realized that his arm was draped over my waist.

I cleared my throat and turned away. “Morning, I should get up. Would you mind...ummm...letting me go please?”

He released his hold on my waist and allowed me to get up. I rolled out of the bed and stood to my feet.

Victor rolled on his back and rubbed his tired eyes. He was shirtless and the blankets had fallen to his waist revealing his chiseled torso. This man was surely designed by the gods themselves. I had to look away to keep myself from drooling.

I stared out the window and saw that the sky was clear today.

I heard the bed creak and Victor got out and made his way to the window where I stood. Something inside of me stirred again like yesterday. I didn’t understand the feeling, but I knew that whatever it was I needed to keep it in check.

I twisted on my heel and faced him. His oceanic eyes had me locked in place. Now that I could see him better in the morning sun, I noticed that his hair was actually dark brown instead of the black that I had initially thought. I had this urge to reach out and touch him.

“So,” he began breaking my thoughts, “I will have to get you to check in first, and then we will be able to move from there. My pack is pretty chill and open-minded.”

“Won’t people wonder why you are bringing an ‘outsider’ into your borders? Don’t you have to ask permission first?”

A ghost of a smile made its way to his lips. “No. I get to do what I want. Well, most of the time.”

“Uh-huh,” I said slowly, not exactly understanding what he meant by that.

Victor was a hard person to read. He wore a blank expression majority of the time and his eyes gave nothing away.

“Okay, you get dressed and I will meet you downstairs. I will take you by the lake after we get everything sorted for you.” He grabbed a shirt off the dressing table and put it over his head.

Before I could say anything, he was out of the door. My life had taken a complete 180. Not only had I found out that I was a mythological creature but I was also about to be part of a pack.

“That is so weird to say,” I muttered to myself. It would take some time to get used to it here, but it was fine. I would only be here for a short while.

“Ready?” Victor asked.

I nodded and followed him out the door.

The morning chill hit my face first and I breathed in the fresh forest scent. We walked until we came to a very large space that was hidden in the forest by the tall pine trees. There was a huge building in the center that looked like a very large mansion.

As we drew closer I noticed a large crest in a water feature that had a wolf and a crescent moon in the center of it. That must have been their symbol for their pack.

Pack. That word still sounded so strange to me. I had only ever associated a pack with animals. Now I was using it to describe all these people around me—and now I guess I was included on that list as well.

“This is the main pack area. That is the packhouse over there,” he pointed to the largest house, “and the rest are different buildings dedicated to other things like the healing center and training grounds. But some are just houses for those wolves who have mated and sought privacy.”

I nodded wordlessly taking it all in. There was a shift in the atmosphere as we walked closer and closer to the pack area. I felt that familiar stirring in the center of my chest.

It wasn’t like I was scared, but more so like I was excited and happy. Which was ironic seeing as I was stepping into a vicinity filled with blood-thirsty beasts that could tear me apart in a matter of seconds.

We walked up to the front door of the large house. As we moved along I noticed people were staring. But they weren’t staring at me, they were staring at Victor. They seemed fascinated by him. I couldn’t blame them.

Victor commanded attention everywhere he went. His towering stature was not to be ignored.

“This way,” he turned the corner and we headed through a bustling kitchen until we finally made it to the back yard.

Four people were sitting on the garden chairs outside each with a mug in hand.

One of the boys sitting by the chairs looked up and smiled when he saw Victor and I.

“Look what the cat dragged in.” He got up from his chair and made his way over to us. “As I live and breathe, is this Victor Bane finally resurfacing?”

“Ha ha very funny.” They did that whole man hug thing and then the guy turned to me.

I lamely offered him a little wave and swayed on the spot unsure. I was not good with people, especially people I didn’t know.

“This is Tara. She will be joining the pack,” Victor then turned to me, “Tara, this is Axel. He is one of my closest friends.”

Axel extended a hand to me, “Nice to meet you, Tara. I am sure you will make a great addition to the pack. Let me introduce you to the rest of the pack.”

Before I could even say anything he pulled me by the hand and walked me over to where the rest of the people were.

“Everyone, this is Tara. Tara, this is Sima and she has the unfortunate duty of being married to this idiot over here, his name is Evan. And this beautiful red-headed queen here is my mate, Rose.”

Evan had an aura that said ‘don’t talk to me’. He seemed like one of those people that were friendly when you got to know them but their resting face was not as welcoming as their personality.

Then there was Sima, the girl was stunning. She was that typical blonde-haired blue-eyed barbie doll beauty that demanded your attention.

Finally, there was Rose. She carried an aura about her that read ‘mess with me and I will kill you’. Her hair was a fiery red and her eyes were this haunting icy blue.

They all greeted me with friendly smiles and my tensions eased a bit.

“Nice to meet you,” I said softly. I turned back to Victor who was staring at me with the same strange look he had on last night in the woods.

His eyes flashed with a gleam of happiness and I saw his lips twitch into a small smile. Something deep within me stirred again, and I wanted to be closer to him.

“Will she be coming to classes with us?” Rose asked, full of excitement.

“Classes?” I repeated.

“I suppose she should,” Victor turned to me and smiled. “What better way to get you integrated into the pack than to go to school with us? It would definitely help you learn more about our lifestyle and your own powers.”

I smiled up at him, but I was apprehensive. School? Integration into the pack?

So much for my great escape to Canada...