Chapter 86: The Fight Of Wills

Tara’s POV

Jack slowly began to integrate us into his plan after our meeting in his office.

His first order of business was to have Victor and I meet with Kia, who would tell us everything we needed to know in order to make an informed decision about how we wanted to station the pack. She’d tell us other things as well, like how many fighting wolves they could afford to spare, what their stocks were in supplies, and if they had to relocate closer to First Clan, how we would go about moving such a large number of people without being seen.

“Do you think it’ll go well?” I asked Victor as I looked up at him.

Jack had left the two of us standing at the gateway to a part of the fighting grounds I hadn’t been at before, where the armory and the training pits were housed.

Victor raised his brows in contemplation for a moment before his face seemed to sour. “We’re about to find out.”