Chapter 121: The Prophecy

Victor’s POV

After my conversation with Hendrix, things took a turn.

That night, I couldn’t shut off my brain.

I didn’t know whether it was the fact that I was lingering on this for too long that prevented me from sleeping or if it was because I needed answers. Whatever it was, it got me out of bed and outside, on my way to the dungeons.

While walking there, I could barely think of anything else. The night air was so cold I could feel my face losing its warmth. There were leaves crunching beenath my feet as I walked. I stuffed my hands in my pocket to prevent them from freezing before I could even open the door to the cells.

“Back so soon?” Sidus crooned.

I could barely see him before he called out. I knew he could smell me from the entryway, and so instead of walking toward him quickly, I lingered a tthe door and shut my eyes, steeling myself yet again to face my father’s killer.

“What brings you back this time?”

“Explain yourself,” I demanded.