An odd prison

Where… am I?

Am I in space?

No, that's not quite right.

Space wouldn't feel this warm.

Or this… hard?

No, that's not quite the right word.

There's like this hard wall surrounding me.

But I feel squishy…

And slimy…

Which is odd.

Is this a prison?

What a weird prison!

Wait, surely there's an exit, right?

I KNOW that there's an entrance.

I came through it!

So there must be an exit, right?

Where is it?

Wait… first of all, what am I?

I kinda feel like a cylinder with a round top.

And made of metal.

What a weird body to have.

Anyway, where's this elusive exit?


It's over there!

Near the light!

Two metal sticks are coming closer, through the light!

Yes! Freedom!

Into the light!

And… placed on a tray?

Anyway, what a weird prison I was in!

Turns out the prison was surrounded by a jungle of short…

I'm not sure what to call it.

But it's black and short and there's many of them.

And it's thin and covers almost everything on the weird monster.

Wait, should I call it a monster?

It looks kinda disfigured, not sleek and awesome like my metal body!

It's covered in flesh with a center where everything protrudes from.

There are four long protrusions and one short, round one where my prison was.

What a weird prison indeed.