The Apocalypse

He stared at the ceiling in bemusement, wondering what was next. The alarm had just sounded, so apparently the apocalypse was coming. What a surprise. It's not like it was prophesised a hundred years ago or anything. Totally not. He continued to stare up at the glass ceiling, watching as the bright blue sky turned blood red, and the peaceful white clouds into ominous black sludges.

He continued to stare up for a few more minutes, then turned to look at everybody else around him. They were all panicking, acting like this was either totally fake or worryingly real. The man wondered why they acted like that when they had ample time to prepare. There had been a few warnings in the past century, all saying that today at midday was when the apocalypse would come. And it did come. So why was everyone running around like headless chickens when they should be ready for this?

He shook his head in bewilderment, then turned to the nearest window, wanting to get a clearer view of the outside. He took a few steps forward, then looked down, out the window, at the corpse that lay there. The poor soul couldn't survive the first culling. He then looked back at the crowded room, wondering how many of these people would survive past the first week, let alone the first month. He knew that he, himself, was destined to die today, yet he didn't care one bit about that. He was just glad that he could see the beginning of this new era.

He looked back up at the ceiling, towards the bright red sky. He smiled, then accepted his destiny.