On the deck of Homeloss, Fenna briskly approached Duncan, "Tidewave has contacted us; they've also had numerous 'humanoid objects' drifting their way and colliding with the hull. After the collision, the 'humanoid objects' lingered nearby, as if being drawn by invisible ocean currents…"
"Restless's commander Orlando also made contact," Agatha's figure emerged from the shadows beside Duncan, "Their ship is surrounded by floating humanoid figures... And something is gathering underneath the water, hitting the outer shell of the ship's bottom. The impact noises can be heard throughout the entire deck..."
She paused for a moment, as if hearing distant sounds again, and then added, "Restless's commander Paulette Ginny said she heard what might be whispers from under the water near the engine room—a voice in her head spoke:
'You will become like them, just like us.'"