Follow the Rules of an Adult

Not long after, a row of luxury cars stopped in front of Huangting Hotel.

There were Bentley, Rolls-Royce, Mercedes, Lincoln… In total, there were at least 20 cars, and each of them was a luxury car worth more than 1 million dollars.

When so many cars stopped in front of them, the shock was unimaginable.

Everyone in the hotel lobby looked at this scene through the huge floor-to-ceiling glass.

Was this a movie? Wasn't the lineup a little too big?

The car door opened and a group of people in suits walked in quickly.

These people all had the aura of a leader. Only those who had been in high positions for a long time could have such an aura.

Xiao Bokun immediately recognized President Jiao from the crowd and went up to him.

"President Jiao, you're finally here. You have to help me vent my anger today."