Don't Talk Nonsense. When Did I Flirt With You?

Ye Feng knew that this Zheng Rujing's whereabouts, since even a core member of the Chaoxin Gang like Old Ning did not know, it would be even harder for outsiders to know.

However, he still decided to give it a try and gave Luo Jingyuan a call.

Luo Jingyuan didn't know much about this woman. "I've heard of her name, but I've never seen her before. This woman is like Gao Junming's shadow. Everyone knows of her existence, but not many people have seen her before."

Ye Feng could not help but frown. "Is this woman so mysterious? Is there no way to find out?"

Luo Jingyuan was silent for a moment before he finally replied, "I'll ask someone to help you find out, but you'd better not have too much hope."

"Alright, I'll wait for your news."

After Ye Feng hung up the phone, he called Zhao Fulin again, asking him to use all his connections to find out more about this woman.