Gu Shen felt somewhat helpless.
He had only been cultivating for a little over half a year.
Why had these young warriors of Changye begun to see him as a new formidable enemy?
"To be honest, at first, no one cared about you," Gong Zi admitted frankly. "Even I didn't think you would be a noteworthy opponent in the rookie battle… After all, your cultivation time is too short. But now, you're like Bai Xiu, a monster. Just half a year of cultivation, and you can defeat Shen Li."
The Iron Eater is universally recognized as a dangerous individual!
Shen Li's strength in the Deep Water Area Fifth Layer is already late in the second phase.
If Gu Shen were to be given another year, what would he become?
After today's fight was over, those geniuses planning to compete in next year's rookie battle felt somewhat uncertain about their chances.
With Bai Xiu ahead and Gu Shen behind.
It was truly an unfortunate time for them.