Invitation from Tai Yi Academy, Whispers in the Shadows

In the Wang Corporation building.

Wang Shoucheng stared out of the french windows at the huge tree that could destroy a building. Cold sweat beaded on his forehead as he swallowed his saliva.

"Patriarch, should we…

"Find a way to mend our relationship with Lin Sen?"

A young man with thick hair asked with a complicated expression. His forehead was also covered in a cold sweat.

"After all, Miss Yanran has some history with Lin Sen. It's not too late for us to make amends now!"


After a long silence, Wang Shoucheng sighed, his eyes gradually becoming firm.

"The tallest tree in the forest will be destroyed by the wind!

"Although this kid is powerful, he has undoubtedly angered the public. Even if Han Tianlin can't do anything to him, there will be people from the capital who will find trouble with him.