Skill Exposed, End of the Evil Person

After one evolution, the [Crown] skill now allowed the branches of the Kabbalah Tree of Life to grow out of the void within a radius of spirit value x 2cm.

When Lin Sen's spirit attribute was around 10,000 points, he could summon a 400-meter-tall giant.

And now.

His spirit was at nearly 30,000 points, three times stronger!

In theory, he could increase the height of the Kabbalah Tree of Life giant to 1,200 meters!

It would almost be as tall as a small mountain!

Of course.

Given Lin Sen's current level of psionic energy, he could still summon one to suppress all things when his psionic energy reserves were full.

However, it was obviously impossible to use [Super Individual] and combine it with the series of skills of the Kabbalah Tree of Life to launch a violent attack whereby he would make up a giant army alone.
