[Four-Dimensional Creature], Life and Death!

Skill: [Juggernaut of Death]!

Skill: [Calamity Light of the Universe]!

Skill [Life Plunder]!

Countless skills that exceeded their specifications and surpassed the Sanctuary grade and reached the divine domain were used recklessly, pouring on the huge black and white ball produced by the [Heavenly Secrets of Creation].

The power that surged enough to destroy a mountain range, an island, and even a continent made the hearts of countless people skip a beat even though they were separated by a dimensional world.

The Principal of the Tai Yi Academy was terrifyingly pale.

As the user of [Heavenly Secrets of Creation], he clearly understood how powerful of an attack the white and black ball was withstanding in this dimensional world.

If not for the obstruction of the dimensional world and the powerful divine power of the Blood God, the entire Canaan Safe Zone would have instantly turned into smoke and ceased to exist.