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Wang Peng did not say a word and rushed forward. Lightning condensed in his fist and crackled non-stop.

The Three-tailed Silver Tiger's gaze was fierce. It roared angrily and pounced forward.

For a moment, violent power erupted between the two. Every time they collided, a terrifying aftershock spread out, overturning trees.

Crack! The Three-tailed Silver Tiger's sharp teeth bit Wang Peng's arm.

Wang Peng roared in pain. He suddenly exerted strength in his right arm and sent the tiger flying.

"So powerful!" The group of students looked at Wang Peng in shock. Although they had expected this, when they really saw Wang Peng attack, admiration still rose in their hearts.

"Hahaha!" Wang Peng laughed wildly. He looked at his injured left arm and grinned hideously. "You're bound to lose. I'll slowly break your bones, then tear you apart and devour your fresh meat."

Wang Peng's laughter was very horrifying. Many people shivered.