Wu Hao's Defeat

"This is…" Wu Hao was wide-eyed and looked at everything in front of him in disbelief.

There was a bottomless pit where the Terror Tyrannosaurus had been just now. The pit was filled with scarlet liquid and a fishy smell assaulted the nose.

"This Terror Tyrannosaurus… is really too terrifying!" Wu Hao sucked in a breath of cold air. The Terror Tyrannosaurus had indeed given him a scare just now. A monster of this caliber could not be judged using common sense.

Roar! The Terror Tyrannosaurus roared angrily again. Its huge claws suddenly slapped down, and a huge shadow descended from above. Wu Hao did not have time to react and was struck by the huge claws.

Bang! Wu Hao was shot out like a cannonball and landed heavily on the ground. He felt that all the bones in his body were about to break. There was a sweet taste in his throat and he vomited another mouthful of blood.