Arriving at Miracle City

The Blazing Giant Eagle's offensive power was extremely shocking. Among the Silver-grade ferocious beasts, the Blazing Giant Eagle's attack power could be considered outstanding.

Logically speaking, even if Zhao Peng and Li Yajing joined forces to fight this Blazing Giant Eagle, it would be very difficult for them to gain any advantage. However, their fighting spirit was high, and they swore to be irreconcilable against this beast.

The Blazing Giant Eagle was furious when it saw that these two insignificant humans actually dared to provoke it.

It hissed repeatedly. It flapped its wings and pounced at the two of them.

When Zhao Peng saw the Blazing Giant Eagle's actions, he chuckled and stomped on a rock with his right foot before flying into the air.

With a whoosh, Zhao Peng's body soared into the air and ruthlessly stepped on the Blazing Giant Eagle's wings. The eagle's body swayed from this collision and it almost fell to the ground.