Strange Encirclement

Lin Sen smiled coldly. The veins on his arm bulged. Blood vessels appeared on his right arm, looking as hideous and terrifying as earthworms.

"Explode!" He roared and suddenly exerted strength in his body. With a loud crack, a thick branch of the Kabbalah Tree of Life exploded from the stomach of the giant crocodile.

Roar! The giant crocodile cried out in pain. Its huge body rolled on the ground. Blood dyed the ground red, turning it incomparably dark with a strong stench.

"Die!" Lin Sen snorted coldly. He leaped up and smashed the giant crocodile's head with his left fist with the force of a thunderbolt, blowing it up.

After the giant crocodile died, the densely packed thin needles with blue luster at the tips immediately scattered on the ground.

Huff! Huff!

At this moment, Lin Sen's chest heaved violently, and a large amount of sweat flowed down his face.