Strange Beast

However, the Flaming Lion's claws did not stop because of this. It continued to slap at Lin Sen's body!

The lion's claws were incomparably hard, so hard that they could even penetrate steel. It slapped Lin Sen's shoulder.

Pa! The sound of bones cracking rang out. Lin Sen's shoulder blade instantly shattered, and his body flew backward.

The Flaming Lion roared proudly. Its body leaped up and caught up to Lin Sen, who was sent flying, before slapping down again.

Clang! This time, the lion's sharp claws struck his chest, emitting a crisp collision sound.

At the same time, he also punched the lion's head heavily!

In an instant, both sides retreated at the same time. Blood seeped out of Lin Sen's fist, and the head of the lion swelled up, with cracks appearing on its forehead.