Intense Battle with the Demon God

This strike angered the demon god to the extreme. The entire world was filled with a strange black color, looking abnormally terrifying. The half of the wing that had been severed quickly recovered and the strange energy that filled the world suddenly gathered towards it. Its aura increased exponentially!

This was a scene that Lin Sen had never seen before. The aura of the demon god had increased countless times!

"Die!" It attacked Lin Sen again, slashing with its sharp claws!

Lin Sen frowned slightly. He did not expect the demon god's speed to increase so much. Even if he had mental strength now, it would be very difficult for him to resist.

However, at this critical moment, he suddenly smiled. His figure suddenly became faint!

This was a skillful teleportation!

After Lin Sen teleported, he appeared behind the demon god and slashed his pitch-black sword at its back.

Swoosh! Another huge wound was torn open on the back.