Zombie Giant Bear

Chapter 221: Giant Zombie Bear

Moreover, the zombie bear's defense was extremely tough. Lin Sen's heavy strike could not break through this fellow's defense at all.

Although the zombie bear's attack was extremely ferocious, Lin Sen was not afraid. In any case, the energy of the Kabbalah Tree of Life was enough for him to last for a while.

"Hu hu!"

At this moment, a strong wind blew. Lin Sen suddenly tilted his body and dodged the attack by a hair's breadth. He looked up and saw that the huge bear paw of the zombie bear had already slapped the top of his head. The terrifying power seemed to boil the air and even produced ripples. Its might was fearsome!

Bang! The bear paw slapped Lin Sen's head hard, instantly smashing him into the ground, creating a deep pit.

At the same time, the surrounding vines wrapped around Lin Sen again.

Roar! The giant zombie bear roared, and the vines swept towards him even more crazily.