Battle for the Divine Tree

"D*mned fellow!" The leaves of the strange giant tree trembled crazily. Then, branches fell from its crown one after another and smashed towards Lin Sen like raindrops. The might of those branches was extremely terrifying. Lin Sen did not dare to resist them head-on and hurriedly dodged. Moreover, he took the opportunity to cut off the branches. After all, the bark of these branches was extremely hard. It took him a Herculean effort to do so.

However, to Lin Sen's surprise, the strange tree did not seem to be willing to give up on attacking. It swung its huge crown crazily, and countless trees and branches continuously smashed towards him.

Lin Sen was forced to dodge. He was now trapped in the attack range of this strange tree and could not escape.

The roots struck a tree and it shattered with a bang. However, the branch still smashed into Lin Sen's body crazily, causing his figure to be in an extremely sorry state.